Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Merry Christmas Present!

My friend Tesse came to town and invited me to lunch the other day. While there, she told me that she is expecting after only 3 months of trying! I was so happy for her, but of coarse, a little upset that i still wasnt pregnant. So i decided to take a pregnancy test anyways, just so i would know for sure that i wasnt prego. Well, it came up positive! So i ran to the fire station to tell Richie. He was so excited! We decided to tell our moms on friday with flowers and balloons (since it was his mom's birthday soon). Tesse is two weeks a head of me and my doctors appointment is January 10th. I'll keep you posted!~

1 comment:

Kenzington's Keeper said...

OK, so I found your blog and I am what you may call addicted. The only problem is that I have to keep reading the same post over and over, I need some updates here. Hope all is well and your Christmas went great!