Thursday, August 21, 2008

Funny Husband Richie

Well, i am officially one day overdue, almost two now! I have had no contractions, im only dialated 1cm (for the last 4 weeks now with no change) and I just dont feel like its gonna happen too soon. Anyways. for those of you who dont know.... My husband is an EMT/Firefighter and in school to become a paramedic.

I wanted to go up to Cottonwood to the county fair that i have not been to for 3 years. It is only 45 minutes away, and there IS a hospital in town! Well, Richie was FREAKING OUT about going up there with me, but he agreed to go to get me out of the house and to keep me happy. Well, he has been on me for the last 2 MONTHS about getting my hospital bag packed, i finally got one packed and was getting ready to load up in the jeep and my Darling husband came out with three towels and the hand sanitizer (supersized one at that) I asked what that was for and he just kept packing. He came out with a torniquet, pocket knife and a plastic bag so i asked him what this was all for. He told me he was getting everything he would need for a delivery!!!!! He said that he would not deliver a baby on the side of the road unprepared!! He said the torniquet was for the cord, the knife to cut the cord, towls to clean and keep the baby warm, plastic bag to save the plasenta. He then had to go all the way to the fire station becuase he was out of plastic gloves. I tried telling him that the baby is not going to just POP out that fast and that there is a hospital in the town, but he kept insisting that he NEEDED to be prepared to deliver this baby himself!

Needless to say we made it there, stayed at the fair for a while walking around, and back with no baby, contractions or my water breaking!!! Go figure, i was right again. It was just so sweet and funny that i had to share.

I have a doctors apt tomarrow, so we'll see if im any closer to having this baby. I know that all the people around me are getting impatient, but im cherishing the last days/hours (minutes/seconds if you ask richie) of this pregnancy.


Kristi O said...

he is so sweet to you! take care and we are praying for a safe delivery!

Aunt Jan said...

Oh this is so awesome..what a man..He'll take care of you...